Who We Are
PBA is an incorporated, non-profit, trade association made up of franchised beer wholesalers licensed by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board to purchase and sell malt or brewed beverages as importing distributors.
PBA Purpose, Vision, Mission, Values
A. Purpose - To Advocate for the socially responsible development of the regulated beverage marketplace in Pennsylvania and the United States.
B. Vision - To establish PBA as the leading voice in Pennsylvania’s regulated beverage marketplace.
C. Mission - To achieve a healthy regulated beverage marketplace while balancing the evolving needs of its members, customers and communities. In doing so, PBA will rely on educating its members, lawmakers, regulators and communities in fact-grounded policies.
D. Values
1. Integrity
2. Social responsibility
3. Fairness
4. Transparency
5. Collaboration
6. Compliance
7. Sustainability
The Pennsylvania Beer Alliance was originally created in 1973. The PBA was first incorporated under the name of the Pennsylvania Importing Master Distributors Association (PIMDA). The name PIMDA denoted in its clearest sense the actual position that the members of our alliance hold in the Commonwealth’s 3 tier system of beer distribution.
The Pennsylvania Beer Alliance is a full-service professional trade association representing primarily the wholesale tier of distributors of malt and brewed beverages in Pennsylvania. The members of the PBA operate in an area of business that is heavily controlled and regulated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As such, the alliance has an active program of monitoring and often times initiating or opposing legislation affecting our member companies. The PBA strongly supports the licensed three tier distributing system for the sale of malt and brewed beverages in Pennsylvania.
In addition to a wide range of benefits for our member companies, the PBA is a valuable resource to policy makers and the public on alcohol regulation, educational programs designed to combat underage drinking and drunk driving; as well as assisting adult consumers with information on product availability in Pennsylvania.
PBA’s current location on Front St. in Harrisburg, PA